Are You Starting To Feel Old?

feel old

Do you feel old?

There is this thing going around on Facebook, in Swedish about being a middle-aged woman looking with envy at the “cute” 25-year-olds. ⠀

I never do that. ⠀
I feel no envy whatsoever.⠀
I look myself in the mirror and I say: darn I’m gorgeous!⠀

Not I’m “still” gorgeous. Just here and now gorgeous. ⠀
As is gorgeous.⠀

I never gave birth to any fantabulous children and therefore I love my body and feel grateful.⠀

I’ve never been pregnant.⠀
Never had the urge for pregnancy. ⠀
I don’t need to be pregnant to appreciate the magic of me. I realize what my body can do, or could have done.⠀

I don’t feel old.
I love my body and I feel grateful! ⠀
Period. ⠀
Nothing more, nothing less. ⠀

I love my body and my body loves me. Who cares if I gave birth? Or my age? Or it’s color, it’s size, its abilities, sexual preferences, gender identity, whatever?⠀

It’s my fricking body and we are best buddies!⠀

I need no excuses for appreciating, adoring, admire, pamper, nourish, dress up and give accolades to every single cell, molecule and the magical atoms that build up my physical presence here on earth.⠀

And neither do you!⠀

It makes no difference if you’re 20, 40, 60 or 80 having had abortions, given birth to 10 children or no children. ⠀

You and your body are miraculous! You don’t have to live up or down to expectations. You don’t have to excuse yourself for looking or not looking any old way.⠀

You just are. ⠀

Continue to be!⠀

That is enough. ⠀

Nough said. ⠀

Would you like to join my new facebook group, for women only? Go to ??The Energized You!
It’s still so fresh I had no members when I went to bed yesterday but woke up to three brave requests!  ???

Spread the word!

Comments · 22

  1. I agree with your arguments; I wonder though why the multiple references to the body in conjunction with bearing children. Perhaps I fail to understand something here.

  2. That’s the right positive thoughts i keep in my mind when i look at the mirror. i feel beautiful and happy because i know i’m beautiful no matter what my age is or my body shape is…or my skin color is. I am Beautiful.

  3. I have the wrinkles, sags and flabby arms as I near the 70 mark but I don’t feel old. I’ve always said I grow older but I don’t grow up. My 7 grandchildren and 5 GREAT grandchildren help keep me young.

  4. “You don’t have to excuse yourself for looking or not looking any old way.” This statement made an impact… I’m often more in my “head” than my body (it feels like the body I’m in is just a means for my head to get around 😉 ) I am carrying around more weight than is healthy – that’s obvious for everyone who sees me, and obvious when I need to sit down and a chair with arms doesn’t fit me… But. But. But. Again, your statement stops me in my tracks… I don’t need to excuse myself just because of the way I look or don’t look. I am me. And yes, I guess that’s enough. 🙂
    Lori Ferguson recently posted…Begin with positive thoughts to feel betterMy Profile

  5. My body is wonderful, it’s gotten me this far in life, and we’re still going. I’m learning to be comfortable in my own skin and appreciate me for who I am. It’s a journey.

  6. I don’t feel old and I never did. I feel like me, and I feel timeless. Me and my husband talked about this subject the other day, and I joked with him and said that I almost feel like a vampire. Not because I like blood, but because I have lived such a long life, experienced so many things, and I still feel the same! Right at this moment my health is not good at all, but I trust that I will recover. I never gave birth to children, and I never wanted to. Some people find that really strange, but it is my life and my body, and I am proud of who I am.
    Lillan Kind recently posted…Rastlöshet och frosseriMy Profile

  7. Agree – even though I have had children. But that’s not at all in reference to my bodys shape or marks. I would love to live a life where our appearance is totally out of interest. Clothes, tummies, nail polish or what ever. Let people be, what ever they/we look like, with or without attributes.

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